The playschool concert

Was a huge hit with Master M :D I enjoyed our “Mummy and Matt” time and spent some money on some playschool merchandise :roll: :lol: Anyway, Matthew is very happy with his finger puppet theatre and was so totally excited about giving Jason his Humpty Dumpty (I bought one for each of them). He was totally rapt, watching the concert, got a leeeetle involved with the songs like Eensy Weensy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Otherwise, he was quiet, just watching everything. It was only when we got home that he showed off his new actions to Daddy :lol: Anyway, here are some pics:

Telling everyone who would listen that this was the Playschool Concert :lol:

Singing the Humpty Dumpty song

Totally engrossed in the show 8O

After, getting some photos in front of the set :D

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll be back later :D


I wanted to share some photos I took of Louisa’s daughters the other day at playgroup. It’s quite funny because I always end up getting heaps of photos of Amelia and hardly any of Eleanor, because she’s always running around, playing or eating LOL Amelia is my ‘glamour’ girl – always a willing subject…hehehe I resolve to take more photos of Ella this week…!

Isn’t she gorgeous?! (Future DIL! :lol: )

And one of Ella-Bug :P She’s a little pixie, isn’t she? LOL Look at her tshirt :lol:

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