The Fortnite Party – It was bigger than Ben Hur!
It’s been over a YEAR and I’ve finally gotten to posting about the Fortnite party that was bigger than Ben Hur! It happens every year. Jason’s birthday sneaks up on me and before we know it, it’s 2 or 3 weeks to the date and we have NO plans! EEK! It was about 3 weeks before his birthday I asked what he wanted and Fortnite was the theme he asked for. Who doesn’t love theming up their kids’ birthdays? It’s been an ongoing thing since they were born haha Matt stopped wanting a themed party when he turned 10, so I guess I do tend to go all out when Jason’s wanted something special. When he turned 10 we had a Pokémon party and I still haven’t even gotten the post up about THAT one! >.< At any rate, I did some checking on the internet for Fortnite party ideas and we settled on a big ol’ park party with nerf warfare and a Fortnite theme. If you’re looking for ideas for your own party, read on :)
First up: the invitations. It was a boys only party (just because too few girls played Fortnite and just one or two invited would be awkward, right?). The invitation, which I then laminated and pierced for lanyards:
Then, as is customary, a T-shirt (just a basic one printed by our little old Epson):
So what next? Oh my HAT! The piñata had to be done. This was my biggest sub-project. It would be the Loot Llama. Yes, I *did* look for unicorns or horse piñatas I could customise and really couldn’t find anything, so I made the piñata from scratch. o.O That’s a whole other post on its own. Check it out here :)
Check out the rest of the images for ideas on Fortnite themed décor:

We also had boogie bombs (chocolate balls) and Pleasant Park Pastries LOL I found a template for a treasure chest online and made that to go on the cake. Easy Peasy! I hope you’ve enjoyed this “Bigger than Ben Hur Fortnite Party” post! It’s been a long time coming! :)
Questions? Comments? Feel free to post them here or on my Facebook post!
~ Gill xo