The Fortnite Loot Llama

The Fortnite Loot Llama was an entity unto itself! We loved him though. All that hard work, intricate details and Matt kept reminding the that we were just going to smash him to bits after. Painful, but true! In retrospect, I would say I miscalculated and made it FARRRRR too big LOL We ended up filling it with tinsel and shiny filler and then heaps of lollies, etc. WHAT A MESS!! And it being at the park – oh my hat. We got the kids to clean up as much as they could, but soooo windy! BAH! >.< Anyway, here goes the piñata story. This is only the second one I’ve made in my life hahaha First one being the Pokémon one when Jase turned 10. Take a look:

The Fortnite Loot Llama
After drawing out the template on cardboard. Masking tape is KING!

We start the messy business of flour and water. 


Finally! We get to the fun bit. Dressing him up.

And the bits and pieces.

The Fortnite Loot Llama
Working on his legs

The Fortnite Loot Llama

The Fortnite Loot Llama
The makings of the saddle
The Fortnite Loot Llama

The Fortnite Loot Llama
I wanted it to be as real-looking as possible

The Fortnite Loot Llama

The Fortnite Loot Llama
LOL at the hinges!
The Fortnite Loot Llama
Fitting it
The Fortnite Loot Llama
Stuffing his belly

The Fortnite Loot Llama

The Fortnite Loot Llama
Saddle covers the hole for loot!
The Fortnite Loot Llama
The underbite was the hardest to get just right! >.<

The Fortnite Loot Llama


And finally, the finished The Fortnite Loot Llama <3 A labour of love, but he was so worth it!

The boys thoroughly enjoyed the party, the treats and their non-stop Nerf war. When it came to bashing the loot llama, it took a looooong time before we have any progress LOL (Trust me to make it bullet-proof, eh?) We eventually ripped the saddle off so the boys could get to the treats. I’d reckon the party was a huge success. Now my littlest man is 13, I don’t think he’s going to want another themed party again…*sniff* *sniff* Good think last year went off with a bang, eh? :)

Check out the rest of the Fornite Party post here

Gill xo

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