Some more of the Wrucks Boys…

Forgive my slackness in posting, we’ve just been flat out with our family arriving from overseas (and preparing for their stay) and a few birthdays, all in the same month..! ACK! So herewith, some shots of the beautiful Wrucks boys, taken at the end of June.



And B being cute…hehehe

and last but not least, Ethan :)


18 Replies to “Some more of the Wrucks Boys…”

  1. Bree

    Wow Gill…….absolutely GORGEOUS… always!! Oh…..Ethan is gonna be a heart breaker for sure…..those eyes…stunning!! xoxox

  2. Renee

    These boys have the most gorgeous eyes and lashes! Lots of cuteness going on here!

  3. Darlene Cates

    I enjoyed playing on your blog. What darling boys you have captured here. I see lots of fun and giggles in their future.

  4. Julie Clegg

    OMGosh, you captured some great expressions! The eyes on these kiddos are beautiful!

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