My name is Gillian and I love craft
My name is Gillian and I love craft. I don’t know how it happened. My mother doesn’t quite know how it happened, but I’ve a thing for craft. She often says she’s never been into craft (nobody in my family is) and has no idea where I got this “craft thing” from. Having said that though, a few years ago she started beading, doll making, creating wire art, card making…the list goes on. So perhaps this IS in the genes! Even Dad has gotten on the bandwagon since his retirement and made hats and socks with a loom! =)
At any rate, this Father’s Day (it’s the first Sunday in September here in Australia) I had a few ideas up my sleeve. I found a few things on my Pinterest travels, so Simon was going to be bombarded with some homemade crafty goodness for Father’s Day. I found a template for a little booklet I could print, cut out and assemble and had the boys complete one each.I love the idea of looking back in a few years and reading their words and feelings. It’s the same reason I print (and scrapbook) all the little sayings they’ve had over the years (which reminds me, check out the Little Hoots app for iPhone and Android…) The books were finished and assembled rather hastily and not completely neatly (what can I say? I ran out of TIME!!!) and ended up looking like this:

I know you’re probably wondering about the braided wool bookmarks, but more about that in a bit. I’ve been looking around for new album suppliers for my photography business, so this was an ideal time to have a sample done. I opted for a flush mount with printed cover in 6×8″. Check it out:

And then. Some bookmarks. But not just any bookmarks. These:

How awesome are they?? I found them ages ago on Pinterest and thought these would be PERFECT as gifts. They turned out so well I’m making some for Grandma, Ma and Pa too! They were pretty easy to make. Easy – if you don’t count the grumbling I had from the boys when I needed their pics taken! i got a couple photos of them each, telling them to pretend they were hanging from a cliff LOL Edited them slightly and then extracted them from the background. I created a duplicate mirror image of the best image of each boy. That way I could glue them back to back and it wouldn’t matter which side showed. Nifty, eh? Cut them out, stick them together, keeping the hands unglued before looping the braided wool through and then finishing off gluing the hands and voilá! Simon absolutely loved them and the rest of his gifts. =D
If you enjoyed this post and you created some of your own Father’s Day masterpieces, please share them in the comments section! I’d love to see what you came up with. Halloween is upon is. I’ll have to start checking Pinterest for craft ideas for Halloween soon!
Happy crafting ~ Gill