My Little Mufasa

My Little Mufasa | Gillian Foley Photography

I’ve had this little guy for a few years now. He was born in December 2012, so nearly 3 years old. He was one of Sooty’s first litters and perhaps, the last baby born. I remember getting a call from home while I was teaching a launch class at gym one Saturday. It was Simon and the boys, letting me know that Sooty had finally given birth to her first litter of kittens. In Matthew’s bedroom cupboard… O.oFunny thing is Sooty can always be found in Matt’s room to this day. She hides under his bed or his couch or even on the top shelf of his cupboard! If he’s not in his room, she comes to find him. How cute is that??! She can always be found sleeping on his pillow or under his duvet when I go in to check on him at night!

At any rate, I hurried home after learning she’d given birth to 4 kittens. How cute! I couldn’t wait to see them! I got home and found a basket and a safer place (let’s face it – the kids weren’t going to leave the kittens alone in Matt’s room!) for them to be. I set about cleaning up Matt’s cupboard and Lo! I found another teeny, tiny wet, fluffy ginger ball of fur, mewing in his little kitten voice. Oh my. How divine! Kitten number 5 is my Fudge. My little Mufasa <3

I’d missed having kittens around! We’d grown up with tons of cats and dogs, chicks, pet rats…the list is endless. At any given time, we’d have a couple of strays brought home. My mother would have a cadenza and then fall in love with each of them. She could never turn them away <3 I love having animals around. I think it’s important for the boys too. They have so much love and compassion for our furbabies and they’re learning responsibility too.

Such a lazy boy, you can usually find Fudgie sleeping on a cushion outside, on my bed/headboard, under a bed or lazing on the watertank!

My Little Mufasa | Gillian Foley Photography

My Little Mufasa | Gillian Foley Photography

I do miss the little fluff-ball Fudge used to be. Take a look (excuse the iPhone quality!):

My Little Mufasa | Gillian Foley Photography

My Little Mufasa | Gillian Foley Photography

My Little Mufasa | Gillian Foley Photography

Isn’t is a wonderful thing how happy animals can make us? Strange, perhaps and hard to understand if you’re not an animal lover. I know I’m not the only one who grumbles, but secretly loves being woken up by a clawing, kneading furball, purring at 100mph! =D

~ Gill

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