My funny boys…

We spent the day out at the beach on New Years day kiteflying, running in the surf and playing silly buggers with my boys LOL They’re such funny monkeys! Of course, they’re so used to the “paparazzi” by now that I’m able to catch silly antics when the camera comes out :P These are a just a few taken on New Years day 2010.
Matthew and Jason

Just one of Jason’s “sad face” LOL

Jason's "sad face"

21 Replies to “My funny boys…”

  1. Summer

    Your boys are so adorable! I love all the casual shots of them! Those are the best ones to have!

  2. Sarah

    OH they are adorable!!! At least your kids don’t hide from the Paparazzi… Think they can teach mine a few things?

  3. Becky Cole

    I love these! Your story board is adorable as are your boys!!! :)
    New Years at the beach???? Green with envy.

  4. Laura Hull

    Since I only have a little guy, I can say with all honesty I love little boys. They amaze me with there energy, the way they think, and just about everything they do. You are even luckier then I you have two. I am sure they keep you jumping.
    You have captured the boy essence, and the story board will be a treasure you will have for a long time to come!

  5. evie

    gillian, I love the looks you captured here! I totally get a sense of silliness and fun when looking at these!! My boys just roll their eyes when my camera comes out these days!!

  6. Sue Ann

    Your guys are too cute!! And um, they look like a handfull too!! LOL! But in a good way…

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