My bio and some blinkies :)
We were meant to have our bio’s for the “Meet the Staff” section on the S&S forum and it’s taken me forever to get my one done :oops: I also took some time out today (in between thunder storms 8O ) to finish my banner and new blinkie for the shoppe. Here they are:
I was too blinkie’ed out to do anything more creative LOL Well my Vivacious kit has been revamped and uploaded to S&S and now we wait and see how it goes. In the meantime, here is a revamped preview too:
Aaah well, we’re getting there :D Now the work on November’s kit & newsletter begins! Totally exciting. Without giving any secrets away LOL the colours are ultra kewl and the name is funky :lol: Can’t wait to show you my previews :D
Oh before I forget, here’s my bio for Snap and Scrap. Credits here.
Roight! That’s it for now. *mwah*