Let not another day go by

Without updating this blog…! 20h45 and my eyes are slamming shut. I’ve just processed a few hundred photos from our picnic at Mt Cootha on Sunday. 8O How do professional photographers do it???? I need matchsticks to keep my eyes open :lol:

It’s Matthew’s 3rd birthday tomorrow and although we’re having the ‘official’ party on Saturday (he’s sharing it with 2 of this friends, also turning 3) Simon and I wanted to do something special on his actual birthday. Alex and Louisa will be coming around with their kids (Matthew specifically asked that he see his friends on his birthday 8O ) and Simon bought a chocolate mud cake and then decorated it this evening (with Matt’s help) with gummy racing cars, chocolate sprinkles and mini chocolate eggs. Holy cow. Chocolate overload. :roll: Watch this space for birthday photos.

Simpson Falls picnic area is just beautiful! It’s always nice to pop out there for a coffee or picnic and let the boys run around and expend some energy. For once, Simon took heaps of photos and managed to get a few of me and my gal pals :D He also got a few shots of me in action 8O LOL He actually got a photo of me taking a photo of him! :lol: It was fun comparing shots after – we’d taken several of the same from different angles.

We’ve had so much rain the last month that this stream actually contained water! The last time we were here (Aug ’07) it was bone dry.

Absolutely LOVE this stone wall. And since my little monsters refused to ‘pose’ along it, I figured I may as well get a scenic shot :D

Noisy Miners

We were um fortunate to spot a monitor slinking past and got a few shots *eeek* 8O

Matthew and Ethan, doing what they do best :D

Granny and the boys :D

All the kids – from left, Eleanor, Amelia, Ethan, Byron, Matthew and Jason. It was extremely difficult to get them all to look up and smile simultaneously, so we settled for just having their eyes open :lol: Check Jason, pointing to the sky. We’d asked them where’s Santa Clause :lol:

My pudding boys :D

And again, trying to achieve the impossible LOL They were more concerned about the ants and spiders crawling on the bridge :lol:

Grampa and Jason. Jase took a nasty spill into a patch of gravel and sustained a few scratches on his face, poor thing :(

Mah Hunny Bunny :D

These are some of the shots Simon got of us goofing around (well, mostly me LOL) I love this photo – it captures such a candid moment – me in the middle of saying something (no doubt something hilarious :lol: ) and Louisa’s spontaneous laughter :D

And then one of Alex and I, with little Byron.

The picnic table with Granny and Grampa on the left and Louisa and her girls on the right.

And then one of me, taking a photo of Simon LOL

Ok that’s it for now. I’m off to bed. *mwah*

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