It’s been a rough week
What a rough week we’ve had! Thankfully, we’re mostly over our flu. The boys had really bad throat and ear infections and Matthew’s temperature peaked a few times and he started shivering and throwing up. We put him in a lukewarm bath and gave him some nurofen and after a while, he started cooling down.
I was off from gym for a week and only went back today. I felt quite awful just after the class and for a moment thought I should probably have waited even longer before going back, but I started feeling better after my usual cuppacino! :D
Jase is such a cutie…! This evening, he grabbed hold of the cornpopper, pulled himself up holding onto the backrest and pushed it all over the lounge, whilst walking! I was so excited, I grabbed the video camera and got some footage of him going all over the place, like he’d been doing it all along! He pushed it into the wall and I said “NOOOOOOOOO” and he shook his head “Nooooooo” :lol: He’s such a squishable feller!
I got my bit in for the Snap & Scrap newsletter. I was very excited by what I’d planned for the June newsletter, but I’m not sure if what I had in my head, actually transferred to my project…? Gosh, I hope it doesn’t put anybody off. Oh well, you live and learn, eh? :D
While I’m at it, here’s a RAK I did for a friend who competed in a Mother’s Day race (finally got to use that page curl). It’s always been something she’s shied away from, but since embarking on a new lifestyle a year and a bit ago, she’s gone thru a major transformation. Completing this race was a great achievement for her.
Check out the credits here.