Handsome boys

_MG_1988-37BWweb.pngHandsome boys indeed

The handsome boys in question are my friend’s sons, Zane and Cruze. They came over for a play with my boys and I grabbed them for some quick shots. My boys groaned (they’re so used to being pulled into random shoots) as I was ruining their soccer game. The light was good and soccer could wait, so I ignored them and proceeded to click away LOL!

My youngest son, Jason, gate-crashed a shot or two – they’re always wanting pics with their “cousins” =D and of course, soccer resumed straight after, with a spot of wrestling. As you do.

Gillian Foley Photography | Handsome boys

Gillian Foley Photography | Handsome boys

Gillian Foley Photography | Handsome boys
My littlest one, Jason, gate-crashed this shot!

Are you a camera Nazi as well? Wielding and trigger-happy when the light’s good and the shot’s perfect? Let me know in the comments below or on my Facebook page! ~ Gill

2 Replies to “Handsome boys”

  1. Shirlz

    I love these shots of the cousins Gill! Please feel free to pop Zane’s soccer ball lol… Thanks so much :D

  2. gillianf

    Lol it’s AWESOME how they’re always outside playing instead of indoors on any type of device screen!! :)

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