A pre-birthday pressie
Growing up, I always hated that my birthday was smack bang in the middle of the school holidays, so I never got to have the ‘class party’. Now that I have children of my own, I can appreciate that as a stay-at-home-mom, I have my children home with me (or will when they eventually start school) when I celebrate my birthday :D I was woken this morning by a very snotty 2 year old (we’ve all got flu at the moment :( ) handing me a card and an equally snotty 10 month old, handing me a wrapped box (with such awesome wrapping that it’s given me an idea for a design!) Here is a pic of my awesome pressie – a PINK Polar heart rate monitor, complete with transmitter strap to measure my heart rate whilst working out.
I’ve already been on the website and registered, downloaded the tools and changed my screen logo to “you go girl!” :lol: It’s also water resistant so I can wear it in aqua classes too, how cool is that??! Of course, I’m going to have to wait until I’m well enough to use it – how frustrating! Oh well, will have to be patient…
Anyway, I would be remiss if I did not post these latest pics of the boys, taken this last week :D
Here they were jumping on the recliner – the latest sport :roll:
Matthew irritating Jason :lol:
They were ‘driving’ their cars here :roll: :lol:
Aaaah, my boys. Gorgeous, aren’t they? ;)
I’ve been hard at work, finishing up some previews for the Snap and Scrap shoppe. I’ve uploaded 2 kits so far and working on the third. Well, technically the one kit is a collaboration between all the designers. It was so exciting and just AWESOME to see what the different designers were coming up with, given the theme and colour swatch. Just to whet your appetite, here’s the swatch.
Watch this space for the kit preview when it goes into the shoppe!