Today is a good day to be a mother

Just a quick post today – apologies I have been slack again :oops: Not so much slack though, just terribly busy and the late nights are taking their toll on me. I keep saying this, but still I want to do too many things in 24 hours. :lol:

Anyhoo, our CTM and Designer call ended on Friday and we will be notifying the new team members today. Then the games begin :D I have been working on a sampler too, to add to the shoppe as a freebie (watch this space – you’ll hear it here first when it’s in the shoppe for download!)

The boys have been doing well so far this week. Last week was a difficult week for all of us, I think. Jase was doing his ‘Dracula’ impersonation again :roll: and Matt was being particularly trying whenever we had a playdate with his friends. I think they are both trying to adjust to not having their Gramma and Grampa around :cry: Yesterday, the boys were playing outside and I heard Matthew call "Mommy! I need you!" I ran out to find him holding Jason by the scruff of his neck, to keep him out of the garage *eek* I’d forgotten to close the garage door before letting them out to play. My bad :oops: I was a little shocked that Matthew (who is normally the instigator) was keeping Jason out of "Daddy’s garage".

And Jason. Awwwwwww. He’s such a cuddlebum! He has been so incredibly loving this last week and of course, I’m loving it! This evening, he said goodnight to all of us and I picked him up for a cuddle and said "I love you" and he lifted his head from my shoulder, gently ran his fingers ever so gently over my hair, put his arms around my neck and said "Uvooooooooooooooo" My heart just swelled. My baby boy.

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