The Patterson Family
The Patterson Family
The Patterson Family were gifted a family portrait session by their good friends before returning to Canada. We booked a session on the only afternoon they had available (having flown in from Melbourne and staying in Brisbane overnight before heading off to NZ the following morning en route to Canada) which meant it was slight mayhem when I arrived at the location for the shoot. It felt like home! LOL!! =D They’d arrived just an hour earlier from the airport, so there were suitcases everywhere and shouts of “Where’s my…??” were being bandied about. I chuckled. It really sounded like my household. Seriously. Every. Day. HAHA!
I wandered around the property while they readied themselves, checking out spots and lighting and when this lovely family met me outside, we were ready to roll. It was a bit of a tricky start with Master T not being overly keen for family photos. Poor little man. I could imagine that they were utterly exhausted (I know how feral challenging my sons are when they’re tired) and yet the P family kids were superb. Master T warmed up and I ended up with really fab shots of him. I was so pleased. Such cool kids. Such a cool family. I was so thrilled to be doing their family shoot for them.
As I was working through the post-processing, I wondered how I could possibly whittle down the sneak peeks to just a few of my favourites. I decided on a collage instead. =)
To the family, I hope you like the sneak peek. The gallery should be up shortly. Safe travels! ~ Gill