This is becoming unreal

Welcome to the Twilight Zone *toodooo-doo-dooo toodooo-doooo-dooo* Jason has his BOTTOM eyeteeth coming through at the moment (the top ones came through last week, Matt’s molars the week before that). We’re functioning on serious sleep deprivation at the moment and I’m hoping we get a BIG break after these teeth come through. Heck, what is it with the Foley boys and their teeth?

I had a good show yesterday and another booking. It was good fun and some of the ladies invited were my friends, so it was great to catch up and be silly and try on jewellery. I’m getting used to my schpiel now and it’s starting to become easier to do each time. It’s still tricky figuring out which pieces to buy, because everybody’s tastes are so different. It helps when I find out beforehand what type of crowd will be invited, so I have pieces that suit their tastes. Coming home, I discovered that Simon had gotten little work done, because both boys went feral on him. I helped a bit by entering some figures in his cost plan, but I dont think I even made a dent!

I stayed up until midnight, chatting to my sister on gtalk and finishing a layout. You’d think I’d learn, eh? Jase woke at 02h38 this morning and then took another hour to settle, so it was another bad night. At least I finished the layout of my hunnybunny :D

Credits: One stroke script font, Swirls by Dianne Miller

I’ve been playing around with the 350D, but I’ve just discovered that I dont have a way to process the raw images *duh* so once I’ve installed the software, I’ll upload a few pics for you all to have a look at.

***** I’m back with a pic I took earlier of the boys playing silly buggers. This was taken with the Kodak though. My munchkin is growing up! Somebody STOP HIM!!!!

***** Even later with another layout. This pic was taken today with the rebel (compliments of Simon) I had the layout all ready, just waiting for the perfect pic. :lol:


Credits: Tash of DSSA for the spring overlay

And another pic taken with the Canon yesterday. Matthew running around in the backyard. An extremely busy subject :roll: :lol: I managed one or two shots of him STILL :D


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