Some photos from Christmas and Christmas Eve
Louisa and Brendon hosted a Christmas Eve lunch at their place and a friend brought along a jumping castle for the children. Needless to say, fun was had by all :D Jason managed to jump right out of the castle :roll: and sustained a few scratches, poor thing. Of course, my hands were full of camera, so I wasn’t quite quick enough to stop it, bad mummy that I am! :oops:
Some shots of Jase in the jumping castle:
Grampa and Gramma, watching the boys’ antics:
Mattie playing silly buggers :lol:
The Lord of the Rings :lol:
Some more silly buggers :lol:
And some photos from Christmas Day
Mom and Dad were really chuffed with their nativity scene :D
Jase with his and Matt’s musical mats (think the batteries will have to be taken out sometime soon! :roll: ) |
Reading one of their Christmas pressies |
Some more pressie opening |
Of course, Princess had to have her pressie too :lol:
We found these really cool ‘shark goggles’ which the boys adore :lol:
Some table decor (pity about the fork in the bottom left corner)
The table place name reindeers each person got – the girls had long eyelashes and the boys had googly eyes :lol:
My vintage teddy I got from Santa with some yummy hand cream :D Had to give this pic a vintage feel :D
And finally, my hot pink Dell from my Santa baby
We had too much good food to eat, as is the custom on Christmas :lol: At least it was reasonably healthy (except for the Sara Lee chocolate cheesecake!)