Yahooo! We have a winner, folks!
LOL Ok, we’ll have to see about the winner bit, but I’m happy to report that I have *finally* finished my latest kit, called Eleanor’s Boots. The inspiration for this kit was a funky pair of Pumpkin Patch boots that Eleanor owns. I’m so chuffed, I also played around with a new logo, which I reserve the right to change, as the whim takes me :lol: Ok ok….without further ado, here’s a preview of the new kit :D
The kit called for doodles LOL Can you say RSI?????!! My right hand is in serious pain, lemme tell ya! Right, now to upload and move on swiftly – to another kit I have in mind :roll: Oooh! Whadya think of the logo?
This was supposed to be a product showcase for the EB kit, but I ended up with this instead – using Veronica Hurly’s Fairy Tales kit available from our shoppe.
So Alex and I went to an antique fair today, much to Simon’s dismay LOL I spent heaps of money, but let me hasten to add – on really good bargains :roll: I got the boys…wait for it….. A DOLL’S HOUSE! :lol: If Simon threw a tantrum at the boys’ fairy dolls (yep I bought them those too :lol: ) just WAIT until he sees this! Heeeeheeee! Hey, I’m raising my boys to be METRO-sexual men, k? The doll’s house is soooooooooooooo cute! I got it complete with the furnishings. So some bits don’t match, but who cares? I’m already thinking of the little duvets and curtains I’ll be making…LOL Yes yes, I *did* buy it for the boys! :roll:
As if that wasn’t enough, we popped into another antique store on our way home and I bought a HUGE solid teak entertainment unit for under $200 8O Holy moly, this thing is 1.72m long, 1.32m high and about .75m deep. Enough drawers for all our bits and pieces and a lockable side cupboard. Totally awesome. I’ll post pics as soon as it’s delivered.